Alerts for "NodeX Emperor" validator node


You can subscribe for Telegram alerts of your validator NodeX Emperor. You don't need to setup any software on your node server. This app will take care about everithing.

Your Telegram Token is: bbb0f4319470c39d7349c654c4bd9d

How to subscribe:

1. Start Band Stats Bot

Add @band_stats_bot bot to your telegram

2. Run /subscribe command

Provide your Telegram token for Band Stats Bot to subscribe for NodeX Emperor alerts.

Use command:

/subscribe bbb0f4319470c39d7349c654c4bd9d

2. Run /help command

You can find all setup parameters in help

What kind of alerts can you recieve?

- Node down (skipping blocks)

You can customise how many minutes node can skip blocks before alert is triggered.

- Delegation/Undelegation

If somebody delegate/undelegate/redelegate to your validator, you will recieve an alert

- Proposals

If new proposal is created.
3 and 1 hour before voting end if you are forget to vote for some proposal.

- Software upgrades

3 and 1 hour before the upgrade, to do not miss it.

- Relayer operators

You can add your relayer address and recieve an alert if your balance is lower that 1 coin.